manikin pregnancy simulation vest

Diversify your training – extricating a pregnant woman

Rescuing a pregnant woman from a vehicle involved in an accident or emergency requires special care and consideration due to her condition. Here are the key vehicle extrication rescue procedures for a pregnant woman:


Assess the Scene:

Ensure your safety and the safety of your team before approaching the scene.

Survey the scene for any hazards, such as fire, leaking fluids, or unstable vehicle conditions.

If possible, ensure that the vehicle is stable and secure before proceeding with the extrication.


Communicate with the Pregnant Woman:

Reassure the pregnant woman and keep her as calm as possible. Stress and anxiety can be harmful to both her and the unborn child.

Ask her about her medical history, including any pregnancy-related complications or conditions.

Provide Medical Assessment:

Check the pregnant woman for visible injuries and assess her vital signs, including breathing, pulse, and level of consciousness.

If she is conscious and stable, keep her in a comfortable position and provide emotional support.


Stabilize the Vehicle:

Use appropriate equipment to stabilize the vehicle, preventing any further movement or collapse.


Evaluate the Extraction Plan:

Determine the best approach to extricate the pregnant woman. Consider her condition and any potential risks to her and the baby.

Keep in mind that the safest option may be to remove her through the vehicle’s door rather than through a roof or windshield, depending on the situation.


Immobilize and Support:

If the pregnant woman needs to be removed from the vehicle, immobilize her neck and spine to prevent any potential injuries during the extraction.

Provide support to her abdomen using a pillow or rolled-up blankets to minimize the risk of trauma to the uterus.


Execute the Extrication:

Carefully extricate the pregnant woman from the vehicle, using standard vehicle extrication techniques.

Be mindful of the woman’s comfort and safety during the process, avoiding excessive twisting or bending of her body.

If possible, lay her on a stretcher or backboard for transport.


Transport to Medical Facility:

Once the pregnant woman is safely extricated, transport her to the nearest hospital equipped to handle pregnancy-related emergencies.


Continuously Monitor:

Continue to monitor her vital signs and provide emotional support during transportation to the hospital.


Inform Healthcare Providers:

 Upon arrival at the hospital, provide the medical team with relevant information about the woman’s condition and any care provided during the extrication.


Remember that the safety and well-being of both the pregnant woman and her unborn child are paramount during the vehicle extrication process. Whenever possible, consult with medical professionals and follow their guidance to ensure the best outcome for both.



Helping you to diversify your rescue training


At Ruth Lee we are committed to helping you to create the most realistic rescue training – and that means offering you different manikins to simulate a range of extrication challenges.

That’s why, after speaking to our customers, we decided to create a simple manikin accessory that can add significant impact to your scenario-based training. Our Manikin Pregnancy Simulation Vest lets you transform a Ruth Lee manikin into a pregnant woman. Fitting the vest is extremely quick and simple, with adjustable clips and ties for added security.

We can also supply a facemask and wig if you wanted to further enchance the physical appearance of your manikin.


Diversify your training and add the Manikin Pregnancy Simulation Vest to your training equipment.




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