Case Studies

Pool Rescue manikin praised by lifeguards around the world!

Pool Rescue manikin praised by lifeguards around the world!

Our Pool Rescue manikin is transforming how lifeguards are training around the world! It allows trainees to perform a complete simulated rescue, without switching between equipment and volunteers, for better assessment of skills. Here are just a few of the comments we...

Spanish Trainer praises Pool Rescue Manikin

Spanish Trainer praises Pool Rescue Manikin

Our Pool Rescue manikin is growing in popularity around the world, as lifeguard trainers realize its potential for training. Not only does it allow trainers to observe a complete rescue scenario - including retrieval in deep water, towing to the side, then extricating...

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service preparing for bariatric rescues

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service preparing for bariatric rescues

At Ruth Lee Ltd, we have been manufacturing bariatric manikins for more than 10 years after an initial request from an Ambulance Service in the UK. Now we have a full bariatric range with manikins weighing in at 90, 180 and 260Kgs, plus a Water-Fillable Bariatric Suit...

Working at Height training is a focus for Romanian Rope Access experts

Working at Height training is a focus for Romanian Rope Access experts

It’s always encouraging to see countries around the world taking rescue training seriously. In an emergency, it is essential that rescue teams are properly trained to handle specialist technical rescues, including those from confined spaces, or at height. Recently we...