Two men practising poolside rescue with training dummy.

Pool Rescue manikin praised by lifeguards around the world!

Our Pool Rescue manikin is transforming how lifeguards are training around the world! It allows trainees to perform a complete simulated rescue, without switching between equipment and volunteers, for better assessment of skills.

Here are just a few of the comments we have received about the Pool Rescue Manikin.


“The Ruth Lee swimming pool manikin is a revolutionary innovation in how lifeguard training is conducted. It provides a more realistic experience for trainees with the ability to practice a variety of techniques, without needing to switch between different equipment or live volunteers, this ultimately leads to greater confidence, when carrying out a real rescue,”

Jo Talbot , RLSS UK’s Commercial Director.



I would hands down recommend this training product to any aquatic facility looking to beef up the calibre of instruction or staff training. I don’t rep products for money, so you know the manikin is absolutely something I can get behind as a lifeguard, trainer and instructor trainer

Katie Crysdale, Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Ltd – Canada

Read more from Katie’s assessment of the manikin here


Having the opportunity to try out the manikin during the conference (AOAP) opened my eyes to how inefficient our current submersible manikin was. I really wanted my lifeguard team to understand how different a submerged victim feels. Your manikin comes so much closer than the equipment we currently have.

Within the last two weeks, we have already used your manikin 4 times more than the equipment that we have had for the last four years! My team has a better understanding of the feeling of an actual victim.

We are very impressed with the manikin and are truly thankful for the opportunity to have one in our facility.

 Jennifer Wegener, of the Emporia Recreation Commission, Emporia, Kansas – USA



Swam with Ruth Lee for the first time at Craig Tara Haven over the last fortnight. Most realistic in water casualty I’ve used in 25 years. Sinking Steve and Drowning Dave (the orange and yellow torsos) don’t have a patch on Ruth Lee!




A great morning at HMS Collingwood training with the new Ruth Lee life-size manikin. From deepwater recovery, horizontal lift, to use on a rescue board (PXB) it proved to be a valuable asset when training lifeguards and their on-going monthly training sessions. Very real life like, heavy and clearly gives you the experience of dead weight in water.

Eddie Seaborne – RLSS Trainer UK


“Guys, training with Ruth Lee manikins is something else! It’s the best way to get closer to the real difficulties of rescue.“

Davide Gaeta, Lifegaurd Trainer – Italy


The Ruth Lee manikins were of particular interest to us, as they give our staff the chance to train in a real-life rescue situation as possible and they have the longevity to suit the ongoing training demands of our teams.

Craig Valentine, Health and Safety Manager, Bourne Leisure – UK

Bourne Leisure interviewed by Notts TV about their training:



The weight of the manikin (30kg) is a real asset, and the presence of upper and lower limbs means the rescue ‘work’ is realistic. Once the search and the towing is complete, the candidate can train at the pool edge on their own or with a colleague. Simple rescue techniques can also be performed on the vital functions when using the manikin.

Ecoles De Formations Aquatiques De Grenoble – France



“I’ve been using the Ruth Lee Adult and Junior Pool Rescue manikins with my lifeguards. They’ve been great in getting my lifeguards to understand how an actual unconscious body reacts rather than everyone pretending and helping each other out..and realising how heavy an actual body could be for them.”

Donna, RLSS Contract Training Manager – UK

Watch this short video to see Donna’s full interview

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Related Case Studies

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“Undoubtedly the best childlike manikin I have had the pleasure to train with…”

“In our opinion, the Ruth dummy is a revolution in the field of rescue!”

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Pool Rescue Manikins have not seen a development like this until now…

Why Lifeguards in the US are changing the way they train!

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