We are proud to work with rescue volunteers and professionals who provide both standby support and training. The range of skills needed amongst rescuers is wide ranging, including working at height, high-angle rescue, swift water rescue and confined spaces rescue. There are some fantastic training organisations out there who help to equip rescuers with these vital skills.
Dynamic Rescue Systems, based in British Columbia, Canada was established in 2006 and they have been using Ruth Lee manikins as part of their training courses for a number of years. They offer a full service rescue standby, as well as training for industry and the emergency services. They also provide a consultation service, helping businesses and the EMS to develop customised rescue plans.
Find out more about Dynamic Rescue Systems: www.dynamicrescue.com/
Recently, Matt Sandrin of Dynamic Rescue Systems got in touch to share some photos and said,
We love these manikins, just a great resource and we use them everywhere.