Dog / Canine Training Manikin

It’s not just people who need rescuing! Sometimes our four-legged friends get into trouble too, whether walking on cliff top beauty spots, out on river estuaries or even just in the local park.

Dog / Canine Training Manikin

It’s not just people who need rescuing! Sometimes our four-legged friends get into trouble too, whether walking on cliff top beauty spots, out on river estuaries or even just in the local park.

It’s human nature to try and help our pets and many people get into trouble trying to rescue their dog – therefore it’s vital that the fire and rescue service and other search and rescue teams consider canine rescues as part of their regular training.

Our dog manikins are perfect for training with other teams and even multi-agency exercises involving helicopters (air rescue), the Coastguard and Mountain Rescue organisations.

They are constructed in water repellent Polyester, a material which typically has 4 times the strength and abrasion resistance of canvas or P.V.C – making our dog manikin very strong and durable.

Features & Benefits

  • Constructed of the same flame retardant Polyester (conforms to BS EN ISO 15025:2002, OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 and ISO 17050-1) used in Police ballistic/stab vests – our canine manikins are tough.
  • Made from waterproof material, this means they can be easily cleaned and dried.
  • The material has 4 times the strength and abrasion resistance of canvas or P.V.C – tough enough for any exercise.
  • Soft body joints eliminate the risk of pinch welts and bruising; common injuries when using plastic bodied manikins.
  • Tough enough to bury under rubble and rockfall, drive over with a vehicle or drop from 2nd-floor window with no damage.
  • Available in 3 weights – 10Kg, 20Kg and 25Kg

Product Details

North Wales Fire & Rescue Service
Lake District Mountain Rescue Search Dogs
SAR Teams in North America, Australia and across Europe

Note: These manikins will withstand temperatures up to 100°C – but should not be exposed to prolonged high temperatures or naked flames. It should not be used in deep water as it will sink.

3 weights available – 10Kg, 20Kg and 25Kg. Please call 01490 413 282 for details

Available Sizes

NameCodeHeight (m)Weight (kg)NATO Stock No
Dog ManikinRLDOG1010kg
Dog ManikinRLDOG2020Kg
Dog ManikinRLDOG2525Kg

Key Medical Paramaters

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Available worldwide through a network of Distributors. Find your local stockist using our map, or call 01490 413 282.

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